Saturday, February 12, 2011

The Great Crayola Experiment

This Idea Came From: What a cool idea!

Our Experience:  Oh my word... I do not know what I was thinking!  These crayolas are still in that letter muffin cast iron thingy.Weeks later... still trying to figure out how to get them out!

The Lesson: Do Not use anything other than silicone, flexible bake wear... unless you like the challenge. As for me.. I would love to hear any ideas how to get this out of my muffin cast iron tin. So far... I tried somewhat remelting, flash freezing in snow, a knife and also... standing over it swearing directly at it... that didn't work either.


  1. Freezer or leaving it outside long enough to freeze the wax will help pop them out! :)

  2. I am going to put it in the deep freezer and see if that helps. I banged on it with a rubber mallet after freezing them in the snow and ice... to no avail! Can you believe it!
