This idea came from: Our own heads.
Our Experience: Some days you can forget to stop and have fun with your little one.. if you don't watch it. These Fancy Balsa Boxes came from items in my studio area. Melt down was soon to be rearing its ugly head so I found: old balsa boxes, feathers, beads and sparkles.. oh and sticker letters. I put little piles of each medium in front of her and let her do her thing... We skipped the Elmers glue and opted for Gel Medium (found in acrylic section of art stores). It is heavy bodied and little fingers can press all sorts of elements into the goo. It dries clear and holds everything in its place. Elmers would have taken forever.. and with us.. the sooner the better!
The Lessons: Important- I also did one of my own which she also helped with. I think this makes her feel like it is 1. worth doing, 2. she is valued as a companion, and 3. unfiltered with too much telling what to do on HER craft. Use of eye/hand coordination, motor skills with peeling sticker backs, placing small objects, and negociating sticky glue and placement. Creativity and pride.
Ummm.....so yeah, you're a freakin genius. I'll be visiting and totally stealing your crafts since I happen to be very unable to come up with creative ideas like this. THANK YOU THANK YOU for the ideas I can now rip off :)