This Idea Came From: One day Emma was playing on and found the print button. We turn off the printer now- let's just say there are plenty of scenes from Olivia to practice our cutting and pasting for a good long time. I have no idea exactly where these came from on the site since Emma figured it out on her own!!
Our Experience: There are a lot of things going on in our family so it is really hard to do full blown crafts at times. I have a bin of odds and ends of many varieties and these Olivia scenes got tossed in there. So, we had a few moments before the day got started and she was restless. All this required was scissors, and glue, markers and the scenes and character printed from the internet. Emma can cut pretty straight now but I helped with the more complicated shapes (which I can not believe she let me). After we cut all the pieces out.. I had her draw a picture of herself... we cut that out and then glued her friend Olivia and her self portrait on the scene. It was a 15-20 minute process.. and she was thrilled. Mission accomplished.
The Lesson: Making time to focus on the important things (that one was for me). The smallest craft to us is huge for them.. don't forget to make time for the simple things in life. We really are a bigger- better- more- society. Cutting is a major task for little hands.. and Emma is getting really good. This takes time so practice makes perfect. Using glue and learning to use a little less.. and applying it evenly is what we are starting to focus on. Control and listening to directions. Concentration.
Emma certainly has her Momma's artistic talent! Ella cannot even come close to purposefully drawing a circle, let alone a person! Nice work, Em! You are right... the simplest craft for us IS a big deal for them and I need to be reminded of that, too. ( :