This Idea Came From: I believe I found this idea in an art room at a school. When Emma was really little we started cutting shapes out of felt and playing with them on a huge table in the garage/studio area... we just rediscovered them today!
Our Experience: We found our stash of felt shapes and remnants. I covered a canvas with one large solid piece of felt and the fun was reborn. I think we are going to hang the board up for permanent activity in the kitchen or living room or end of a hallway... and I will start making more and more people, buildings, cars, animals. The great thing about a felt board is the creative outlet is endless for her alone and also we parents. She is already requesting different things she wants made into felt. She played by herself for almost an entire hour. I don't know, but in three year old speak.. that is nothing short of a miracle! This will be an ongoing and gradual activity- we will see where it goes.
The Lesson: Felt has a certain ability to keep Emma focused to make choices on her own- placement, color and content. She talks to the board and whatever she is making.... so there is loads of opportunity to eavesdrop and get the inner workings of the little mastermind! Here you see that she made an Elmo who was covered by a red blanket- he was going to sleep and was told very sweetly that he would not be cranky if he took one. She on the other hand skipped the nap today.
I was reprimanded by the hubster- he says he was the one who came up with this awesome idea. And I think he is right. Sorry Dollface.